Saturday, 29 March 2014


None of your visualization or imagination will do any good if you do not believe in yourself. Many of us have goals that we are really excited about — goals that have rewards so big we did give almost anything to get there. But sometimes it feels like those goals are just fantasies that won’t ever happen, and that’s when every ounce of motivation disappears.
If you want to stay motivated then you have to believe in yourself. You need to believe that you can accomplish your goals, you can get everything on your hands if you want.
Learning how to motivate oneself  is something that I feel is not only one of the most important skills one can have, but may be one of the greatest gifts I can give to myself.
I think one of the biggest differences between an ordinary person and an extraordinary person is their degree of consistent motivation and passion.
Creating Self-Motivation
So if motivation is one of the most critical aspects of success, and motivation comes within, then what is the secret to staying motivated? Underlying motivation is your desire.  Desire is sort of the root of motivation.  First there has to be a strong desire in order to create motivation. Desire is analogous to fire — a small fire makes a small amount of heat.  A big desire creates big motivation.
Intensify your Desires to Drive Motivation
Just thinking about what you want or desire is not enough to create the type of sustained motivation that drives success.  You really need to intensify those desires by thinking intently about how much you really want those desired outcomes.
Motivate yourself after now and then, that is, “Yes I can do it”. Repeat this as a Mantra or some shlok.

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