Marketers like shiny objects. It’s a fact. Dangle a new software or strategy in our face and we are like two-year olds in a candy store. We also use buzz words like value add, synergy, alignment, and transparency to avoid marketing speak (what an oxymoron). But I digress… What distinguishes a good marketer from a great marketer is being able to take a step back from the present and plan for the greater objective, which in most cases is generating revenue for the organization. We call this strategic planning.
One critical component that often gets missed or glossed over from the plan is Sales and Marketing alignment. I can’t underestimate the importance of the synergy among these two departments. (If you’ve worked in organizations with bad synergy…you know what I’m talking about.) Even if the teams don’t always see eye-to-eye, establishing mutual respect and setting goals to support will… pay… off.
Here are five simple tips when incorporating Sales and Marketing alignment in your strategic planning:
- Share Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) – such as Opportunities generated and Closed Won business to measure success. Set monthly/quarterly/yearly goals towards each.
- Create a shared dashboard that Sales and Marketing teams visit to track progress.
- Reward both teams when goals are met.
- Incorporate the sales team in your content planning. Listening to front-line conversation will lead to better deliverables.
- Make sure Sales and Marketing leadership have a shared vision and have signed off on each other’s plan. Without that, the synergy cannot begin.
Sales and Marketing alignment might not be the most glamorous thing you work on as a marketer, but it’s certainly one of the most important. And, now I’m curious… what types of Sales and Marketing alignment strategies have you seen work particularly well?